Theme of the Year

Theme of the Year


Theme of the Year

Shrinking Societies with Low Fertility Rates: How to Respond?

Last year, Korea's fertility rate plummeted to 0.72, an unprecedented figure globally. While it may seem hyperbolic, there's even talk of Korea potentially vanishing from the world map. The population has already begun to decline, and the once-inflated economic and social conditions are now contracting like a deflating balloon, accompanied by the diminishing cries of children.

Like dominoes, hospitals, nurseries, schools, and even entire villages are disappearing one by one. It's ironic to recall a time when the Korean government advised people against having many children to avoid poverty. The backdrop to our entry into what is now termed an "ultra-low birthrate" society is a deep-seated anxiety and intense competitive pressure. In a country where good jobs are scarce and housing costs are prohibitive, young people are reluctant to marry, and even when they do, many forgo having children due to the challenges of child-rearing.

At the core of this issue lies gender inequality. In a male-dominated society, the labor market remains hostile to women. Those who have children often face career interruptions, and even upon returning to work, they encounter diminished job quality and stability. At home, childcare and housework primarily fall to women. Among OECD countries, Korea has the largest gender pay gap, and its gender gap index ranks it as a "backward country" outside the world's top 100. Progress is impossible without addressing these outdated structures.

The birth rate is considered a "comprehensive indicator," mirroring the long-accumulated problems in Korean society. Failure to address these issues adequately means not only living in a "shrinking society" but also perpetuating an environment where women, young people, and children remain unhappy.

This declining birthrate isn't unique to Korea; it's a serious global phenomenon, particularly acute in Asian countries like Japan, China, Taiwan, and Singapore, which experienced rapid industrialization and population growth. These societies, despite high income levels, are characterized by weak social safety nets and significant individual risk in the face of competition. Countries slower to move away from male-dominated structures are experiencing more rapid declines in fertility rates.

The low birth rate is sending us increasingly urgent signals. Before it's too late, we must transform our society from one dominated by competition and insecurity to one of solidarity and care. This may be an opportune moment to confront the structural problems driving our low birth rate and to reshape our society into a sustainable community. The 2024 Hankyoreh Asia Future Forum will serve as a platform to explore these possibilities.




 제15회 아시아미래포럼

The 15th Asia Future Forum (2024AFF)



저출생 시대, 새로운 사회계약을 

찾아서: 경쟁사회에서 돌봄경제로 



2024.10.24(목) 08:30~16:30




지하2층 국제회의장 외


주최 / 주관





개회식, 특별강연, 

기조세션, 분과세션 등


I TitleThe 15th Asia Future Forum (AFF 2024)I Theme

Addressing the Challenges of Low Fertility and a

Shrinking Society : How Should We Respond?

I Date08:30~16:30, October 24th(Thu.) 2024
I VenueThe Korea Chamber of Commerce & Industry, 
Grand Hall (B2F)
I Hosted byI Organized by
I ProgramOpening Ceremony, Keynote Session, etc


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