ASIA Future Forum

ASIA Future Forum


Introducing The ASIA Future Forum

'ASIA Future Forum'

“ Proposing a new paradigm for Asia and the world,

and contributing to growth and prosperity ”


“ 아시아와 세계에 새로운 패러다임을 제시하고, 

성장과 번영에 기여 ”

한겨레신문사가 주최하고 한겨레경제사회연구원이 주관하여 

올해로 제15회를 맞이하는 아시아미래포럼은 

‘번영과 지속가능성 사이의 균형찾기’라는 취지 아래 아시아 

국가의 공통 과제를 살펴보고 협력방안을 모색하는 자리입니다.

2010년부터 매년 가을에 서울에서 개최되며, 해를 거듭하면서 세계적인 석학, 정부 관료 및 정치 지도자, 시민사회 활동가, 

기업인, 시민사회의 멘토 및 청년들이 함께 지혜를 모으고 협력을 모색하는 지식네트워크의 허브로 자리매김하고 있습니다.

The 15th Asia Future Forum, hosted by Hankyoreh Media and organized by the Hankyoreh Economy and Society Research Institute, 

aims to examine the common challenges faced by Asian countries and explore cooperation strategies under the theme of "Finding a Balance Between Prosperity and Sustainability."

Since 2010, the Asia Future Forum, held annually every fall in Seoul, has established itself as a hub for knowledge networks, bringing together world-renowned scholars, 

government officials, political leaders, civil society activists, business people, and mentors and youth of civil society to gather wisdom and explore cooperation year after year.

ASIA Future Forum Steering Committee



Chey Tae-won

Chairman, The Korea Chamber of Commerce & Industry

Kim Eun-mee 

President, Ewha Womans University
Choi Woo-seong

CEO and President, Hankyoreh Media Group



Kim Hyun-mee

Professor, Yonsei University (Cultural Anthropology)

Sohn Kyung-shik

Chairman, Korea Enterprises Federation

Song Kyong-yong

President, Korea Social Value and Solidarity Foundation

Yoon Jung Sook

Co-chairman, Green Korea United

Lee Keun

Distinguished Professor, Seoul National University (Economics)
Former Vice-Chairperson, The National Economic Advisory Council(NEAC)

Lee Seung-yoon

Professor, Chung-Ang University (Social Welfare)

Lee Jay-min

Emeritus Professor, Yonsei University

Former Vice-Chairperson, The National Economic Advisory Council (NEAC)

Lee Hye-kyoung

Emeritus Professor, Yonsei University / Former Chair, The Korea Foundation for Women

Lim Hyun-jin

Emeritus Professor, Seoul National University (Sociology), Former chairperson,

The Academy of Korean Studies

Kim Young-hee

Executive Editor, The Hankyoreh Media Group

Lee Bong-hyun

President, the Hankyoreh Economy & Society Research Institute


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